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Essay Formatting Help: One-on-One Main Essay Development: Crafting a Personalized and Compelling Application Essay thumbnail

Essay Formatting Help: One-on-One Main Essay Development: Crafting a Personalized and Compelling Application Essay

Published Oct 19, 23
5 min read

Create Your Path to College Success

If you are a high school graduate from Ho ho kus, NJ preparing to embark on the exciting journey of college, you know that the process can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to crafting a standout application essay. Fear not! New Bridge Educational Consulting is here to assist you in mastering the college application essay. Our team of experienced professionals, including the renowned Harry Bauld, will guide you through the process to help you submit an essay that showcases your unique qualities and maximizes your chances of admission. Let's dive into the world of college application essay assistance, explore the comprehensive process, and discover the invaluable role of college essay review and expert evaluation. Buckle up and get ready to elevate your essay game!

College Application Essay Assistance: Overview and Benefits

At New Bridge Educational Consulting, we understand the importance and impact of a well-crafted college application essay. That's why we offer comprehensive assistance to help you navigate the essay writing process with ease. Our personalized approach ensures that every aspect of your application essay receives the attention it deserves, from understanding the genre to brainstorming topics, outlining, editing, and receiving feedback from a national-level writer.

By working with us, you gain access to a team of dedicated professionals who are committed to your success. Our holistic approach to counseling takes into account your unique background, experiences, and aspirations, allowing us to provide individualized guidance tailored specifically to you. We collaborate with you every step of the way, ensuring that your voice and story shine through in your essay.

College Application Essay Writing: A Comprehensive Process

The college application essay writing process can seem daunting, but with the right guidance and support, it can become an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Let us walk you through the key steps involved in crafting a compelling essay.

Step 1 - Understanding the Genre

Before diving into the writing process, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of the genre of the college application essay. Our expert counselors will educate you on the conventions and expectations of this type of essay, equipping you with the necessary knowledge to make your essay stand out.

Step 2 - Brainstorming Topics

Now that you have a solid understanding of the genre, it's time to brainstorm potential topics for your essay. Our counselors will guide you through this process, helping you uncover unique aspects of your life and experiences that can serve as compelling narratives.

By leveraging our expertise, you'll discover how to transform everyday anecdotes and experiences into captivating and memorable stories. We encourage you to explore your passions, challenges you've overcome, and moments that have shaped your character. These personal insights will allow you to craft an essay that truly reflects who you are.

Step 3 - Outlining

An essay without a clear structure can lack coherence and impact. That's why our counselors will assist you in developing a comprehensive outline for your essay. The outline will serve as a roadmap, ensuring that your ideas flow smoothly and your essay has a logical progression.

Through our collaborative outlining process, you'll learn how to organize your thoughts, prioritize key points, and create a compelling narrative arc. Our goal is to help you structure your essay in a way that engages the reader from the opening line to the closing paragraph.

Step 4 - Editing and Feedback

The editing and feedback stage is where your essay truly comes to life. Our team of national-level writers, including Harry Bauld, will provide detailed feedback on style, voice, clarity, and story logic. Their expertise in admissions and college counseling ensures that you receive invaluable insights to strengthen your essay.

We understand the importance of maintaining your unique voice while ensuring your essay meets the expectations of admissions officers. Our expert reviewers will provide constructive feedback, helping you strike the perfect balance between authenticity and professionalism.

The Role of College Essay Review and Expert Evaluation

If you have already written an essay and want expert feedback, our college essay review service is the perfect option for you. Our experienced reviewers, Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling, bring their professional writing and admissions knowledge to the review process.

The detailed feedback provided by our expert reviewers will focus on style, voice, clarity, and story logic. They will identify areas for improvement and offer suggestions to enhance the effectiveness of your essay. Their expertise will ensure that your essay stands out from the competition.

Harry Bauld's Expertise in College Application Essays

When it comes to college application essays, Harry Bauld is a name that resonates with both students and professionals in the field. His book "On Writing the College Application Essay" has become the go-to guide for countless students seeking guidance in the essay writing process.

At New Bridge Educational Consulting, we are proud to have Harry Bauld as part of our team. His wealth of knowledge and expertise in essay coaching greatly enhances our college application essay assistance services. With his guidance, you can trust that your essay will be impactful, authentic, and effectively communicate your unique story.

Getting Your Best College Essay: Maximizing Your Application

By enlisting the help of New Bridge Educational Consulting and leveraging our college application essay assistance services, you are positioning yourself for admissions success. Our team is dedicated, creative, understanding, and collaborative, working together to provide holistic and individualized counseling.

Our expertise in admissions, college counseling, educational administration, and academic support ensures that you receive comprehensive guidance throughout the application process. We are committed to helping you submit your best essays and positioning yourself as a strong candidate for admission to your dream college.

Frequently Asked Questions

What services does New Bridge Educational Consulting offer for college application essays?

At New Bridge Educational Consulting, we offer one-on-one support for developing a personalized application essay, including educating students on the genre, brainstorming topics, outlining, editing, and receiving feedback from our team of experts. We also provide a college essay review service for students who have already written an essay and want expert feedback. Our goal is to help you craft the best possible essay to maximize your chances of college admissions success. Learn more about our services.

Who are the expert reviewers at New Bridge Educational Consulting?

Our expert reviewers, Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling, bring their professional writing and admissions knowledge to the process. They provide detailed feedback on style, voice, clarity, and story logic to help students strengthen their essays. Their expertise ensures that your essay stands out from the competition. Learn more about our team.

What is Harry Bauld's contribution to college application essay coaching?

Harry Bauld, renowned for his book "On Writing the College Application Essay," brings his expertise in essay coaching to New Bridge Educational Consulting. His guidance and insights greatly enhance our college application essay assistance services. With his support, you can rest assured that your essay will effectively communicate your unique story and make a lasting impression on admissions officers. Learn more about Harry Bauld Select Essay Review.
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