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College Essay Writing Help: Expert Reviewers Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling: Providing Insights on College Application Essays

Published Oct 01, 23
3 min read

Supplementary Essay Development: Standing Out from the Crowd For High School Graduates From Stone Harbor, NJ

Applying to college can be a daunting process, especially for high school graduates from Stone Harbor, NJ who strive to stand out from the competition. While the main application essay serves as a crucial element in showcasing one's personality and experiences, many selective colleges require supplementary essays as well. These shorter writing pieces offer an additional opportunity for applicants to distinguish themselves and demonstrate their unique qualities.

The Importance of Supplementary Essays

Supplementary essays provide college admissions officers with a deeper understanding of an applicant's interests, passions, and potential contributions to the campus community. They allow students to showcase their specific skills, experiences, and perspectives that may not be fully captured in the main essay or other application materials.

For high school graduates from Stone Harbor, NJ, supplementary essays offer a chance to highlight their unique experiences growing up in a coastal community, the impact of the local environment on their goals and aspirations, and their involvement in community service initiatives specific to the area.

Developing Unique Short Writing Pieces

Developing compelling and unique supplementary essays requires careful thought and planning. Students must identify their strengths and experiences that set them apart from other applicants. They should reflect on what makes them unique and think about how they can convey those qualities through their writing.

New Bridge Educational Consulting, a trusted college consulting firm, offers one-on-one guidance and support to high school graduates from Stone Harbor, NJ in developing their supplementary essays. Their team of experienced consultants helps students brainstorm ideas, choose the most compelling stories, and craft well-structured, persuasive essays.

By working closely with students, New Bridge Educational Consulting ensures that each supplementary essay portrays the applicant's authentic voice and effectively highlights their individuality. They provide expert advice on topic selection, essay structure, and effective storytelling techniques, empowering students to create standout pieces that leave a lasting impression on admissions officers.

The Expertise of New Bridge Educational Consulting

New Bridge Educational Consulting is a team of committed and knowledgeable consultants dedicated to helping students reach their college admissions goals. Led by Stephanie Bartling, an experienced admissions professional with over 25 years of experience, they have a proven track record of success in guiding students through the college application process.

Stephanie Bartling and her team at New Bridge Educational Consulting understand the nuances of supplementary essays and the significance they hold in the admissions process. They take a personalized and holistic approach to essay development, ensuring that each student's unique skills, experiences, and passions are effectively communicated.

In addition to their expert guidance, New Bridge Educational Consulting also offers an essay review service where their lead counselor and writing specialist, Linda Lowen, evaluate essays and provide detailed feedback for improvement. Linda's extensive background as a writer and educator allows her to offer valuable insights on style, voice, clarity, and story logic.

Benefiting from New Bridge Educational Consulting's Expertise

Stone Harbor, NJ high school graduates can greatly benefit from the comprehensive essay assistance provided by New Bridge Educational Consulting. Through their personalized guidance and holistic approach, students can maximize their chances of standing out in the competitive college admissions landscape.

To learn more about how New Bridge Educational Consulting can assist with supplementary essay development and other college application services, visit their website here. You can also explore the range of services they offer here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are supplementary essays and why are they important for college applications?

Supplementary essays are shorter writing pieces required by many selective colleges in addition to the main application essay. They provide applicants with an opportunity to showcase their unique qualities, interests, and experiences that may not be fully captured in other parts of the application. Supplementary essays are important for college applications because they allow students to differentiate themselves from other applicants and demonstrate their potential contributions to the campus community.

How can New Bridge Educational Consulting assist with supplementary essay development?

New Bridge Educational Consulting offers one-on-one guidance and support to high school graduates from Stone Harbor, NJ in developing their supplementary essays. Their team of experienced consultants helps students brainstorm ideas, choose compelling stories, and craft well-structured essays that effectively highlight their individuality. They provide expert advice on topic selection, essay structure, and storytelling techniques, ensuring that each essay portrays the applicant's authentic voice.

Who leads New Bridge Educational Consulting's essay review service?

Linda Lowen, New Bridge Educational Consulting's lead counselor and writing specialist, leads the essay review service. With her extensive background as a writer and educator, Linda provides valuable insights on style, voice, clarity, and story logic. She offers detailed feedback for improvement, empowering students to enhance their essays and make a lasting impression on admissions officers.
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College Essay Writing Help: Expert Reviewers Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling: Providing Insights on College Application Essays

Gain Insights from an Award-Winning Author: Harry Bauld's Contribution to College Application Essay Coaching

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